Multidimentional Nanospectroscopy Laboratory

Welcome to the You Group at Westlake University!

Our Mission

At the You Group, our mission is to advance our understanding of molecular behavior through cutting-edge optical characterization techniques and rigorous theoretical computations. Situated at the crossroads of Physical Chemistry and Molecular Biophysics.

Resonance, the epitome of elegance. Just as light resonates, so do our hearts converge at Westlake University, where we find beauty in the resonance among people.

Research Focuses

Our focus is on unraveling the mysteries of surface/interface phenomena and the dynamic structures of liquids.

Learn more

Join Us on Our Scientific Journey:

Our research group is driven by a passion for discovery and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge. We invite you to embark on a scientific voyage with us as we unravel the intricate mysteries of biomolecules and push the frontiers of Physical Chemistry and Biophysics.

We have open positions for postdoctoral researchers, and research assistants.Our laboratory is devoted to nurturing the next generation of scientists, fostering innovation, and providing a supportive research environment. For detailed information about these opportunities, please visit our 「Website Link].